Kıvanç Ünal
AnalyticaHouse supports AceMweb in their mission to help Small and Medium size business in their buggest challenge that is digital transformation. This mission will not only bring immense value to the Small and Medium size businesses but will at the same time contribute significantly to the turkish economy.

İbrahim Öztürkcan
I congratulate and welcome AceMweb as the first digital full service marketing agency in Turkey to purely focus on the digital transformation needs of Small and Medium size businesses. The standardized digital service packages alongside their fixed pricing model will be a great asset for Small and Medium size business in their digitalisation journey.

Onur Teler
Over the years we have achived great successes and results working with the founders of AceMweb and we are confident that the skills and experience they bring to the table will be of great value to small and medium size businesses be it on strategic consultancy or operational level. You can rest asure that you will be working with trustworthy and solution oriented professionals and achieve great results working with AceMweb.

Emrah Başol
Over the course of my professional career I have worked closely with the founders of AceMweb in various projects and settings. Their desire to share their knowledge and expertise with Small and Medium size businesses is a great opportunity for this business segment. Their fixed pricing model and standardized digital service packages is the most accurate roadmap for Small and Medium size business in their digitalisation processes.

Mustafa Kemal Temel
AceMweb ailesinin yurt dışındaki pek çok pazarda edindiği tecrübeleri Türkiye'deki KOBİ ve Esnafın dijital dönüşümünü gerçekleştirme amacı için değerlendirmesini çok takdir ediyorum. Türkiye'deki küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin dijital dönüşüm süreçlerinin profesyonel bir şekilde yönetilmesi oldukça kritik bir konu ve bu süreçte AceMweb'in KOBİ ve Esnafa özel dijital hizmet paketlerinin oldukça yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorum.